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Everyone at AHH Thanks YOU !

Dearest Customer,

All of us here at AHH! Products would like to say a very sincere THANK YOU for making 2012 another great year, despite the crazy economy!  Since we opened in 1998, we have grown every year due to your support.

As a family-owned, small business just trying to make it in this super competitive bean bag chairs business, we are aware of and deeply appreciate that it is you that make it all possible. 

A special thanks to so many of you that come back to us once, twice, even three or four times for your bean bag needs!  And a extra-special thanks to those that take the time to provide the awesome feedback we post on our site.

We hope to continue serving you for many years to come with great products, and look forward to hearing from you about how long our bean bags last!  Don't forget to send us photos to post on our site!  We love to see how your family enjoys our products.

P.S. We are very sensitive to keeping prices affordable while still offering top quality, Made in USA bean bags...

A Special Word about Prices: Shipping rates went up again, bringing the cost up to $100 per bean bag, which we absorb. Our costs are much higher than other companies since we manufacture in the USA, so we hope that our dear customers understand. Others just buy everything from overseas at a low cost and resell it in the American marketplace.

Remember, buy Made in America, & know what you're getting!



Your Friends at AHH! Products inc.

Bean Bags for Every Life & Style

Jade is the founder and CEO of Ahh! Products. Find her on

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